100th Salisbury Sudans Bulletin published!

100th Salisbury Sudans Bulletin published!
16/07/2019 admin

The Salisbury Sudans Bulletin, published by the Diocese of Salisbury and featuring news and updates from the Salisbury Sudans Link (now 46 years old) has officially achieved its 100th edition this month (July).  It was first edited by Canon Tim Biles, who retired from parish ministry in 2000 after 38 years as a priest in Salisbury diocese. In that time, he had also published a number of books on parish ministry, Middle East issues, the Sudan, and one on his favourite passtime – cricket.  

For the last 4 years, it has been edited by Anne Powell of the Sudans Committee of Salisbury Diocese.   Over many years, the Bulletin has featured a vast range of stories and features from the region, as well as news of activities in the UK that support the Link. 

The centenary edition also contains details of the next Salisbury Sudans Day on 5th October 2019.  The venue will once again be Shaftesbury School, which is accessible and convenient from most places in the Diocese, as well as from further afield.  Planned speakers include Stephen Dinsmore of SOMA, who will talk about the church in Sudan, Eeva John on the Episcopal University of South Sudan and members of the Poole-Wau Link.

Further details are available by viewing and downloading this booking form.


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