It is now six months since the Sudanese generals began their war to annihilate each other. Fighting is continuing unabated, slowly expanding its amphitheatre eastwards, towards areas that have been safe zones, where hundreds of thousands of displaced Sudanese are camped. Port Sudan has verbally been threatened, and a contingency plan is being developed for evacuation of the Provincial Office if that becomes necessary.
Across Sudan, food supply is a major problem, as described in the attached prayer/news update “Sudan’s children are wasting away.” Where there is food being sold, very many have no money to purchase it. Archbishop Ezekiel has asked for help so that the church can be a mother to people, meeting human need with something to eat, and not just words of comfort and faith. The Church Association has issued an appeal to its members to raise funds for this need. The appeal letter has been distributed separately. Any one who would like help in extending the appeal within their church might like to use the attached news, or please ask.
Please encourage prayer for the Church in Sudan at this time of crisis. Leeds-Sudan Link have a collection of resources downloadable from: www.leeds.anglican.org/sudan-resources.php
In Sudan, Christians are trying to work out their prayer life in the midst of fighting, living with fear and hunger, their lives torn apart. They can understand and identify with heart cries in the Psalms which are beyond our life experience. Attached are two photo meditations on Psalms which are offered to help us enter their world.
If they are helpful, two more are available on request. They are inspired by the thoughts of a Palestinian, Yohanna Katanacho, who lives close to the sort of shredded life the psalmist sometimes lived through. In his book Praying through the Psalms [www.tinyurl.com/52uk99da] he vividly expresses that. May these re-writes help us be better intercessors for our brothers and sisters in Sudan – and for Christians in Gaza at this terrible time for them.
If you are interested in understanding background political developments in Sudan, Al Jazeera has an insightful article looking at what has happened to the democratic movement that the current war has eclipsed. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/29/analysis-can-sudan-civilian-leaders-save-country-collapse