Internal Province of Jonglei contact information


Internal Province of Jonglei

Archbishop – The Most Revd Moses Anur Ayom


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Diocese of Bor

Most Revd Moses Anur Ayom

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Diocese of Twic East

Rt Revd Jacob Deng Garang Akech


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Diocese of Akobo

Rt Revd Joseph Yoal Yol


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Diocese of Athooch



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Diocese of Wangluei

Rt Revd Zecharia Manyok Biar

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Diocese of Duk

Rt Revd Daniel Deng Abot


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Diocese of Ayod

Rt Revd Thomas Tut Gany


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Diocese of Kongor

Rt Revd Gabriel Thuch Agot


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Diocese of Malek

Rt Revd Peter Joh Abraham Mayom


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Diocese of Wernyol

Rt Revd Gabriel Kuol Garang


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