The Archbishop of Sudan, the Most Rev’d Ezekiel Kondo, and the Archbishop of South Sudan, the Most Rev’d Justin Badi Arama, sent their greetings by video to those at the recent CASSS AGM, thanking the trustees and the supporters of CASSS for their support and asking for our continued support and prayers as the troubled times continue in both countries.
Archbishop Ezekiel said, “we want to thank you for accompanying us in this difficult time,” and also that despite all the problems, God is doing wonderful things in the church. He said, “please don’t be tired of praying, please don’t be tired of giving.”
Watch the video here
Archbishop Justin was able to give us an idea of his prayers for the church in South Sudan, including extending All Saints’ Cathedral in Juba to accommodate all the additional worshippers coming there and also raising up young people to be the leaders of the church in the future.
Watch the video here