During his first visit to the UK and despite his busy schedule, Archbishop Justin Badi, was able to meet with Rev Ian Wallace & Rev Pauline Walker in Salisbury at the beginning of September.
The meeting was extremely positive and was the first step in establishing a solid relationship between the SCA and the new Archbishop & his team. There was lots of discussion on how the relationship could best be developed from the good place that it is already in. With much of the detail still to be discussed, quite a number of good ideas were proposed.
The Archbishop was particularly interested in the area of requests for scholarship funding and there was agreement that the SCA should develop a process that involved Archbishop Justin being consulted at an appropriate stage. The SCA Trustees will give this some thought going forward.
Lastly, Archbishop Justin shared with Ian and Pauline that one of his early initiatives is to develop a prayer book for South Sudanese pastors that will act as a resource for them in leading weddings, funerals and other services and so increase the consistency and quality of their ministry. The prototype edition is ready for printing so that it can then be trialled and approved by the House of Bishops. Archbishop Justin asked if this could be supported by the SCA as it is hoped that having such a prayer book would strengthen the church across South Sudan. The SCA Trustees will be meeting shortly to consider this request.
We thank God for Archbishop Justin’s appointment and look forward to working closely with him in the future.
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